Mastering the Mechanics of Perception ~ Part 1
When I take a look around at the world and internet, one of the biggest things lacking I see, is awareness of the mind. Many new agers and even old mystics alienate the mind, they call it faulty. Instead the "elite" have mastered knowledge of the mind. It is a big reason why they are so far ahead of the population. They have learned how perception works. This potent knowledge is mostly unknown and potentially beneficial to anyone reading this, whether they agree with most of my blog's material or not. I felt a desire to invest some thought into it some years back, and continue to.
If there is any existing work specifically on mechanics of perception, I would be very grateful if someone would post it :)
The synthetic matrix so often spoken about in alt media, in my eyes, is based on perception. In other words it is a belief matrix in my humble opinion(I could be wrong, but its my own personal assessment).
I see the synthetic matrix as a monolithic set of psychological operations perpetrated by dark extraterrestrials and their assets on Earth for millennia. The cabal ruling over mankind use a bag of tricks when it comes to implanting agenda driven beliefs into the minds of a mostly unsuspecting mankind. My point in saying this is being an Earth inhabitant, your perception is under attack, and learning how to discern and judge things and the mechanics of HOW your mind learns and judges things, can be very beneficial in weeding out malicious implanted beliefs(and I know a thing or two about those)...
Mechanics of Perception
Here is the full quote:
"The omniverse(and reality) is profoundly holographic. So holographic people often see what they want to in it. Go into something with pre-conceived notions and the mental matrix serves notions that align with the belief." ~Omnisense
This could be the single most important part of understanding how a perception can serve you faulty conclusions, and is why I see it as so important to practice objectivity if you are capable of such. Also why I see it as incredibly beneficial to have instead of just firm beliefs about everything, soft beliefs and hard beliefs.
"I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant." -Rufus(Chris Rock) in the movie Dogma
When I say I have some soft beliefs, it means it is more a suspicion/idea but is more maleable to being changed. My highest probability enough to estimate it exists or is/was real. I acknowledge with my beliefs that beliefs are fallible. I have learned to trust myself, but in saying beliefs are fallible, I mean a certain amount of humility in realizing one can be wrong.
Being agnostic in a subject is rarely unreasonable. Agnosticism is often a sign of wisdom. Knowing what you know and knowing what you do not know is incredibly beneficial for truth seeking in my humble opinion.
I see it as a trait of the enlightened to be able to consider something that contradicts what one believes. Another method I use to hone the faults of my perception is; every time a belief of mine is challenged, I reassess the belief with any possible new applicable reasoning I find. In other words I reasoned myself into my beliefs, and am open to reasoning myself out of them.
"Do not only seek the truth, cease to cherish your opinions when challenged." -Unknown
One thing that annoys me when I debate people, is mental gymnastics. When someone has strong belief programming and/or a bias, a mind's tendency at times is to fabricate reasoning that makes no logical sense to justify a faulty belief to a mind while it is being challenged. The perception and matrix of mind plays tricks on us sometimes. I have witnessed people losing debates who shamefully have very delusional processes in their mind to justify their beliefs upon tremendous scrutiny. This is to be avoided in my opinion... It is ok to admit you were wrong in a belief. And it is ok to change your beliefs/opinion. You are not your beliefs(and that is a good thing).
Strong emotions or belief programming being challenged can lead to misperceptions and faulty perception mechanics. In debates of the future via electronic telepathy, faulty mental processes can be brought up, and debates will have many more clear winners I predict...
Beliefs divide people. One mechanic of the perception is to demonize people who contradict one's belief system. This is also shameful and to be avoided.
A being's perception can be full of illusions. Particularly when judging other living beings or the grand scope of the universe. I hope this article sheds light in areas useful for people...
I have created a draft for a part 2 for this article(Mastering the Mechanics of Perception), as I find this subject very important. :)
Source Link:
from David Icke's Official Forums
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